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Box Office Breakdown: Harry Potter Casts a Big Win

Harry Potter and the Half-Blood Prince

After putting up with a frustrating delay, eager Muggles rushed to the theaters this weekend in droves. kicked off its extended debut with a record-breaking premiere ($22.2 million) at midnight Tuesday. The series’ sixth installment went on to earn $158 million over five days and officially became the biggest international opener of all time ($237 million).

Despite the numbers, there was one film Half-Blood could not beat: The Dark Knight. At this same time last year, the Batman sequel had also racked up $158 million in sales. But that film did it in only three days.

Click to continue reading Box Office Breakdown: Harry Potter Casts a Big Win

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In Theaters This Week: July 15, 2009

Half-Blood Prince

Here are a few selections in theaters this weekend:

Click to continue reading In Theaters This Week: July 15, 2009

Early Reviews for Harry Potter and the Half-Blood Prince

Harry Potter and the Half-Blood Prince

As you were busy previewing HBO’s behind-the-scenes look at Harry Potter and the Half-Blood Prince, others were gathering their thoughts about the entire film.

The Warner Bros. film debuts on July 15. Here are some of the early reviews for the series’ sixth installment:

Variety:  “Dazzlingly well made and perhaps deliberately less fanciful than the previous entries, this one is played in a mode closer to palpable life-or-death drama than any of the others and is quite effective as such.”

Click to continue reading Early Reviews for Harry Potter and the Half-Blood Prince

HBO Offers ‘First Look’ at Harry Potter and the Half-Blood Prince

We’re nearly a week away from the theatrical release of Harry Potter and the Half-Blood Prince! Companies, including HBO, everywhere are cashing in on our


insatiable need for sneek peaks, and boy do we thank them for that avarice!

In the two-part behind-the-scenes look (catch the second video after the jump) of the sixth Harry Potter installment, we get a glimpse into the main plot as well as the relationships revolving around our three heroes.

Click to continue reading HBO Offers ‘First Look’ at Harry Potter and the Half-Blood Prince

Read More | Coming Soon.net

IMAX Delay for Half-Blood Prince

Half-Blood Prince posterWarner Bros. may be sticking firm to its third Half-Blood Prince release date, but that won’t prevent delays for the film.

Due to a conflict with a previously scheduled blockbuster, most IMAX theaters (aside from one in New York in one in LA) will not be able to show Harry Potter and the Half-Blood Prince until July 29. That equates to a two-week delay from the July 15 premiere.

What will be occupying those theaters up until that point? . The Paramount feature has a month-long commitment starting with its June 26 debut.

Read More | Hollywood Reporter

Getting Into Character: Cast of Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows

Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows

Now that we’re only two months away until opens, it’s time to start looking ahead. 

In just 18 months from now, Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows: Part I will unfold. The picture above with Emma Watson, Daniel Radcliffe and was taken earlier this week on the film’s set in South Pembrokeshire, West Wales. (There are several other glimpses that can be viewed after the jump.)

Half-Blood Prince‘s July 15 debut will be followed by Deathly Hallows: Part 1 on November 2010 and Deathly Hallows: Part II on July 2011.

Click to continue reading Getting Into Character: Cast of Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows

Read More | Crazy Days and Nights

New Half-Blood Prince Posters and Trailer

Now that you’ve been gifted with a new due date, let’s present you some new eye candy.

In this latest trailer for Harry Potter and the Half-Blood Prince (you can view the others here, here and here), we get a little bit of romance, evil and humor all thrown together.

Will girls really spell the end of Weasley? Where will this kiss between Harry and Ginny lead? And what is this mission that Voldemort has Malfoy on? (Based on Draco’s sinister look after the jump, it apparently can’t be good.)

Click to continue reading New Half-Blood Prince Posters and Trailer

Harry Potter Gets Another Release Date

Harry Potter and the Half-Blood Prince

An eight month-delay has just been shortened…by two days.

After repositioning Harry Potter and the Half-Blood Prince to open on July 17, Warner Bros. has changed its mind again. The film, once scheduled for a November 2008 release, will now open on July 15.

Why? The studio just likes to get a jump start on those earnings.  (Order of the Phoenix also opened on a Wednesday back in 2007.)

Meanwhile, a date for the future Harry Potter film can now be penciled in as well: July 15, 2001. That’s also the slot tentatively set aside for Paramount’s The Avengers. Since the day chosen is not a Wednesday, I’m guessing someone will be doing some tinkering in about a year from now.

Read More | Hollywood Reporter

Half-Blood Prince Posters Unveiled

Half-Blood Prince Poster

Almost three months have passed since Harry Potter and the Half-Blood Prince‘s original premiere date. Will you be able to wait five months longer?

After digesting the ominous message from this first poster, make sure to check out two more after the jump.

Click to continue reading Half-Blood Prince Posters Unveiled

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Trailer #3 for Harry Potter and the Half-Blood Prince

Despite the tone of the first two trailers, the 6th Harry Potter installment is really not as dark as it seems. At least, not entirely. This clip proves there are a few moments of levity to be found in the upcoming sequel. (It’s amazing what an “infatuation” potion can do to an hormonal teenager.)

Half-Blood Prince makes its way into theaters on July 17, 2009.

